Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Delayed Lighting

This video demonstrates a fine usage of material instance.
The environment is pitch black without light. However the material itself is an emmissive material. So....
If there's no light, the material will still be visible bcause of emmissive property.
My job was to "animate" the material in Matinee so that it will light up when the lights turn on.
This picture represents the over view of the kismet sequence.

The toggle input lets the light to turn on from off.
There is a 1 second delay between each input

This is the Matinee sequence for the material and the flickering light.
There is a .5 second delay between each input.

on the far end of the Matinee sequence is the Matinee for the blue light in the end.
Same concept as any other lights in the video but changed the color and made it move.
No big deal. :D

NOTE: There is supposed to be an announcement in male voice.
However, it wasn't a audio file; just microsoft voice.
I've used 32bit to create the map, but used 64 bit to record the video.
As a result, the voice was eliminated. The microsoft voice is unsupported on 64 bit for some reason.

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