Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Exilidus Splash Screen

This is the splash screen or the cover picture of my game.
The game name is Exilidus: The Revenge
Everything rendered in UDK, then brought into photoshop for color tweaking and fixes.
Then added texts and effects in photoshop CS5.5


 The bow is more visible now and there are glows around the picture.
The glows represent the second floor of the game map.
The red color on the ground represent the third level of the game.
The foliage represents the beginning of the level where the player is outside.
I chose to use the color scheme to represent each level.

My character has a pet

Through the feedback, I realized that the whole game was lit very dark.
As a result, the players could not see the character!
Consequently, I had to fix this problem.
My quick yet, working fix was to attach a particle that emits lights around it.
With the help of this, the area around the player is lit as well as the player.

Character Turn Around

Character turntable

Name: Evelynn, the archer

tricount 12,000 for character
about 2,400 for the bow

Platformer Light Change

A quick update for today.
I revisited lighting of the first floor. And realized it was abysmal.
So.......... I took care of the lighting by making it dramatic and beautiful/ peaceful.
There's going to be some more parts that will make this map more appealing.

Platformer Update

The player will spawn from the top right corner and needs to go left.
There are 2 possible routes toward the pool of lava. 

The player needs to jump across the lava.
On the bottom level is 4 platforms the player can use. The twist is that the fire balls will jump up and down in between the platforms.
The higher level also has platforms the player can use to jump across. But these platforms will drop!
When the player gets to the middle of this picture, there is a lava fountain that shoot out lava that will hurt the player.
On the left is 4 steps of platforms. When the player jumps on top, a boulder will roll down killing the player. 

On the left is a catapult the player must use to damage the environment, causing a platform to drop thus allowing the player to cross the lava.

There's three swinging axes that will cause 30 health point damage.
May seem easy in the picture, it will be challenging. 
My teacher who is a fighter, trying to not mention names, had a hard time crossing this.
As well as bunch of classmates. But there were several who made this challenge easily.

This is a quick and brief update on the third floor of my platformer. 

Custom HUD

***Please go to Youtube website for HD***
simple UDK custom HUD system
video recording program downgrades the quality...But what the first contents say is: "welcome to the level" "This level contains: custom HUD, destructible crystals, crates"

***sorry for the annoying sound. But I have to keep it for my sidescroller game***

Custom HUD system. 

UDK turret system

***Please go to the Youtube website for HD***
